Jews in Early American and the Caribbean
Main Feeder Communities for Jews in the Colonies
Marriage Records
Originals 1578-1811: Amsterdam Municipal Archives [Stadsarchief Amsterdam]
After 1811 City Registery
Prior to 1811 See Ketubot Books by Congregation
Print Index: Verdooner, Dave and Harmen Snel. Trouwen in Mokum (Jewish Marriage in Amsterdam, 1598–1811). 2 vol. ’s-Gravenhage: Warray, [1991?]. (FHL book 949.234/A2 F22v.) ISBN: 9072477251; 9789072477255
Cemetery Records
Synagogue Records: Amsterdam Municipal Archives [Stadsarchief Amsterdam]
Excerpts and History: Gans, Mozes Heiman. Memorbook: History of Dutch Jewry from the Renaissance to 1940. Baarn: Bosch & Keuning, 1977. (FHL book 949.2 F2g.)
Guide to the Jewish Genealogical Records at the Amsterdam Municipal Archives
London Jews Database (prior to 1850): Addresses and other resources
Birth Registers
Rodrigues-Pereira, M.; Loewe, C. eds., The Birth Register (1767-1881) of the Spanish andPortuguese Jews’ Congregation, London, Bevis Marks Records, 5. London: Jewish Historical Society, 1993.
Barnett, R D, and Miriam Rodrigues-Pereira. The Circumcision Register of Isaac and Abraham De Paiba (1715-1775). Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation [in association with]Jewish Historical Society of England, 1991.
Marriage Records
Online: Marriages at Bevis Marks Synagogue (1766-1837) and the Great Synagogue (1791-1837) indexed in Webb's London Marriages (for pay searching)
Print Abstracts:
Barnett, L.D. ed., Abstracts of the Ketubot or Marriage contracts. from the Earliest Times until 1837, Bevis Marks Records,
2. London: The Congregation, 1949.
Whitehill, G.H. ed., Abstracts of the Ketubot or Marriage contracts and of the Civil Marriage Registers of the Congregation, 1837-1901, Bevis Marks Records, 3. London: Jewish Historical Society, 1973.
Cemetery Records
Rodrigues-Pereira, M.; Loewe, C. eds., The Burial Register (1733-1918) of the Nuovo (New) Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation, London (with some later entries), Bevis Marks Records, 6. London: The Congregation, 1997
Barnett, R. D. "THE BURIAL REGISTER OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE JEWS, LONDON 1657—1735 (with Some Later Entries)." Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England) 6 (1962): 1-72.
Synagogue Records (LMA) - most require permission to access
Rosemary Wenzerul, A Guide to Jewish Genealogy in the United Kingdom
Publications of the Jewish Historical Society of England
Free access to back issues online for members:
Access via Jstor by subscription or can be used in most academic libraries
Jewish Historical Studies 1982 - 2014
Transactions & Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England) 1968 - 1981
Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England) 1925 - 1962
Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England) 1893 - 1962
Todd M. Endelman, The Jews of Britain, 1656 to 2000
Sharman Kadish, Jewish Heritage in Britain and Ireland: An Architectural Guide (2015)
Sharman Kadish, The Synagogues of Britain and Ireland: An Architectural and Social History (2011)
Archivo Historico Nacional (AHN), Madrid; Portada del Archivo Historico Nacional
Spanish Colonies
New Spain: Archivo de la Nación (fondo de Instituciones coloniales), Mexico City
Peru: Archivo General de la Nación, Lima; Guia del Archivo Colonial [Guide to the Colonial Archive]
Portuguese Inquisition Trials (limited but in English, no links to original texts)